The anti-seismic retrofitting and static strengthening of the masonry structures of the old wing of the Hospital in Chiari was carried out using Ruregold CRM - Reinforced Plaster, while the lightweight anti-seismic strengthening of the slabs was completed using Leca solutions.
In addition to the signs of deterioration, the older sections of the complex, parts of which belong to various different periods, required anti-seismic retrofitting, while several parts of the masonry structures also required strengthening. In order to maintain the existing type of slab while lightening the structure, it was decided to intervene using the Leca-CentroStorico lightweight slab anti-seismic strengthening system for the horizontal structures, together with Ruregold CRM System Reinforced Plaster for strengthening the masonry piers.When used to repair masonry structures, the Ruregold CRM Reinforced Plaster system increases the strength and ductility parameters of the existing structure.
The solution consists of the G-MESH 400 and G-MESH 490 meshes, together with Helical Connectors, stainless steel bar, or G-Mesh Connectors, preformed “L”-shaped connectors in alkali-resistant glass fibre; and G-Mesh Gussets, for distributing the stress concentrations at the connections, and the G-Mesh Angle angular element.
The Ruregold CRM Reinforced Plaster system is completed by the range of MX-RW High Performance highly pozzolanic hydraulic binder-based structural mortars, NHL 3.5 hydraulic lime-based MX-CP Lime and the cementitious MX-15 Fibre-Reinforced Plaster, rendering the CRM system ideal for consolidating and structurally strengthening existing masonry in brickwork, tufa or stone.