FRCM Software for Designing Structural Concrete and Masonry Element Strengthening Solutions | Example Calculations

Ruregold proposes two design tools for FRCM systems, consisting of PBO and Carbon fibre composite materials in combination with hi-tech cementitious mortars:  Ruregold Calculation Software applications for designing and verifying structural strengthening solutions for concrete and masonry elements.

Software Ruregold

Two versions are available:

AC FRCM system, for strengthening reinforced concrete elements such as columns, beams and slab joists, may be used to verify:

  1. rectangular or circular section columns, solid or hollow, for deflected and combined axial and flexural forces, deflected shear and confinement,

  2. rectangular or T-section beams for bending and shear

  3. rectangular or T-section slab joists for bending.


FRCM Masonry system, for strengthening masonry elements such as panels, pillars and columns, may be used to verify:

  1. panels for in-plane actions (shear and combined axial and flexural forces) and out-of-plane actions,

  2. pillars and columns for combined axial and flexural forces and confinement and protection solutions for securing external infill walls.

Calculation examples

Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams

The calculation software implements the analytical formulations defined in the CNR-DT (National Research Council Technical Directive) 215/2018 (§5.1 for reinforced concrete elements), so that the user need only define the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the reinforced concrete element.  and the applied stresses in order to conduct the resistance checks. The graphic interface also allows the designer to view the section of the modelled element. The main steps that must be performed when verifying the beam are described in figures 1 and 2.

Rinforzo trave calcestruzzo FRCM Ruregold
Software calcolo Ruregold
Software calcolo Ruregold

Figure 1 A) definition of the geometry of the section and the strength of the materials;

Figure 1 B) definition of the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of the element

Software calcolo Ruregold
Software calcolo Ruregold

Figure 2 A) definition of the type of strengthening;

Figure 2 B) inserting the applied stresses for sectional checks

Verifica rinforzo FRCM Ruregold




Once the data input phase is complete and the strengthening has been defined, the requested resistance check may be performed. A column appears automatically showing the pre- and post-intervention resistance values, the resulting increase, expressed as a percentage and the resistance check, as shown in figure 3.

Once the analysis phase is complete, it is possible to generate a calculation report containing a summary of the project datathe list of reference standards and a schematic description of the application of the strengthening solution.


Figure 3) Software screen capture following verification and generation of the calculation report

Strengthening load-bearing walls (piers) subject to in-plane combined axial and flexural forces



The calculation software analytical formulations defined in the CNR-DT (National Research Council Technical Directive) 215/2018 (§4.1 and §12 Appendix 1), so that the user need only define the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the masonry element, the applied stresses and the strengthening to be applied in order to perform the resistance checks.

The main steps necessary to check the panel, as described above, are illustrated below (figure 4).


Figure 4) Definition of the geometry of the section, the strength of the materials (also using the "User Parameters" command) and the strengthening to be applied.

Verifica rinforzo FRCM Ruregold




Once the data input phase is complete, the requested resistance check may be performed. A column appears automatically showing the pre- and post-intervention resistance values, the resulting increase, expressed as a percentage and the resistance check, and indicating whether it is necessary to install the respective types of connectors, as shown in figure 5.


Figure 5) Software screen capture following verification.

Verifica rinforzo FRCM Ruregold

In this case too, once the analysis phase is complete, it is possible to view a schematic representation of the element section, the M-N interaction diagram (figure 6) and generate a calculation report including the summary of the project data, the list of reference standards and a schematic representation of the application of the strengthening system.

Rinforzo pannello Ruregold
Dominio di interazione Ruregold

Figure 6) Schematic representation of the application of the strengthening on the panel and its M-N interaction domain.

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