C-MESH 42/42

FRCM wall anti-overturn protection consisting of 42+42 g/m² biaxial carbon mesh and MX-C 25 Masonry inorganic matrix.

System description

FRCM wall anti-overturn protection consisting of 42+42 g/m² biaxial carbon mesh and MX-C 25 Masonry inorganic matrix.

Thanks to the low grammage of the carbon mesh and the specific inorganic matrix for masonry structures, it is ideal for internal partition and external infill wall anti-overturn protection, and ceiling anti-shatter systems.

More information about FRCM composite material structural strengthening systems in PBO and Carbon fibres.

Damp substrates
Vapour permeability
Ease of application
Fire resistant


C-MESH-42-42-ruregoldC-MESH 42/42

Bi-directional carbon fibre mesh weighing 84 g/m², uniformly distributed in weft and warp. Available in:
– H 100 cm, 15 m reel.

MX-C 25 Masonry

Cementitious fibre-reinforced inorganic matrix for use with C-MESH 42/42 mesh on masonry structures. Ideal for optimising the transfer of stresses from the structural element to the strengthening mesh.


Carbon fibre connector. Available in:
– Ø 6 mm, dispenser 10 m
– Ø 10 mm, dispenser 10 m.


Inorganic matrix for impregnating and anchoring the C-JOINT fibre connector.


NHL Lime base
Compressive strength
≥ 20 MPa.


  • Anti-overturn protection for internal partitions.
  • Anti-overturn protection for external infill walls.
  • Connecting non-structural elements with the reinforced concrete structure of beams and columns.
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