MX-CP Lime

M15 NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime-based structural mortar for structural repair of masonry.

System description

M15 NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime-based structural mortar for structural repair of masonry.

MX-CP Lime NHL 3.5 pure natural hydraulic lime-based premix for masonry repairsit is breathable, compatible with every type of masonry substrate and suitable for use with glass, basalt or steel fibre mesh reinforced plasters. Adding water produces a mortar that is highly adhesive to masonry, tufa and stones, it is durable and suitable for repairs and structural plasters. Ready to use bags of premix: simply add water and mix to obtain a paste that may be applied either by hand or with a traditional plastering machine (e.g. PFT G4).
The porosity of the finished product guarantees that it is sufficiently permeable to water vapour. The mortar is highly resistant to aggressive agents.

Damp substrates
Ease of application
Compatible with masonry


MX-CP Lime M15 structural mortarMX-CP Lime

NHL 3.5 lime base.
Compressive strength
≥ 15 MPa.

Ideal for use with the following meshes:


  • For preparing reinforced plasters - CRM system consisting of Ruregold G-MESH 400, G-MESH 490 and G-MESH 1000 alkali-resistant fibreglass meshes.
  • For strengthening existing solid brick, tufa, and irregular stone masonry.
  • Mortar for structural plasters, in compliance with the European Guidelines EAD 340392-00-0104 "CRM (Composite Reinforced Mortar) systems for strengthening concrete and masonry structures", issued in November 2018.
  • As a scratch coat to prepare masonry (brick, tufa, stones) for the application of structural strengthening using composite materials.
  • Reconstructing masonry using the ‘unstitching/restitching’ technique.
  • Strengthening existing masonry through repointing (reinforced and non-reinforced).

MX-CP Calce – scheda tecnica

MX-CP Calce – scheda di sicurezza

MX-CP Calce SR – dop

Sperimentazione rinforzi CRM – Università di Pavia

Catalogo prodotti 2025

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Calculation software

Operating systems: Windows 7 | Windows 8/8.1 | Windows 10 and 11

Version 1.1 | date 2023/03  | Installer: 60.4 MB

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