Ruregold General Catalogue 2023: Your Project Solutions Guide

The Ruregold 2023 General Catalogue represents a real technical guide to products and solutions for strengthening structural elements in both the construction and infrastructure sectors and includes over 140 pages divided into a series of macro sections: FRCM strengthening systemsFRP strengthening systemsCRM System – Reinforced plastersHPFRC micro-concretesCeiling anti-shatter protectionStrengthening elements for masonry structures.

Catalogo generale Ruregold 2023
Each section is preceded by a detailed analysis of the technical and regulatory aspects, together with a description of the techniques for application and the technological and performance specifications of Ruregold solutions.
FRCM rete pbo70/18 applicazione

Structural strengthening, Reinforced plasters, Ceiling anti-shatter protection products and many other solutions for masonry and concrete buildings


1 Structural strengthening of the building envelope | CRM system – Reinforced plaster

2 Structural strengthening of the building envelope using low thickness solutions | FRCM system.

3 Repair of masonry | Unstitching-restitching/repointing joints/mortar injections system.

4 Static and anti-seismic strengthening of vaults | FRCM System, Perimetro Forte System.

5 Low-thickness structural repair of steel and timber slabs | FRC System – Micro-concrete.

Edificio muratura sismabonus Ruregold


6 Anti-overturn solutions for external infill walls | FRCM system.

7 Structural strengthening of columns, beams and nodes | FRCM system.

8 Structural strengthening of jacketed columns | FRC System – Micro-concrete.

9 Low-thickness static strengthening of sap-concrete beam and block floors (slabs made of concrete joists and infill blocks or bricks) | FRC System – Micro-concrete.

10 Anti-shatter protection of slabs | X Plaster System.

Edificio calcestruzzo sismabonus Ruregold 2023
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