High-ductility, high-fluidity fibre-reinforced cementitious mortar (HPFRC) for structural strengthening of concrete elements.

System description

High-ductility, high-fluidity fibre-reinforced cementitious mortar (HPFRC) for structural strengthening of concrete elements.

Micro Gold Steel is a metal fibre-reinforced bi-component premixed HPFRC micro-concrete designed to improve seismic resistance and strengthen reinforced concrete structures, even without the use of additional metallic elements. Adding water produces a pourable mortar that is highly adhesive to any type of substrate and guarantees excellent ductility and durability. Unlike traditional fibre-reinforced structural mortars, its post-cracking strain-hardening behaviour is characterised by increased residual tensile strength. This mechanical behaviour, characterised by an extremely high capacity to absorb energy, means Micro Gold Steel is ideal for enhancing the anti-seismic performance of a range of reinforced concrete structures, at thicknesses varying between 20 and 50 mm.



MICRO GOLD STEEL Ruregold Play icon
MICRO GOLD STEEL Ruregold Play icon
MICRO GOLD STEEL Ruregold Play icon
MICRO GOLD STEEL Ruregold Play icon
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