MX-15 Plaster

M15 cement-based structural fibre-reinforced mortar for structural strengthening of existing masonry.

System description

M15 cement-based structural fibre-reinforced mortar for structural strengthening of existing masonry.

M15 structural fibre-reinforced mortar together with the traditional reinforced plaster technique and/or CRM system, for deep pointing to mortar joints using the unstitching/restitching technique. Compressive strength rating M15 (15 Mpa), according to the product standard UNI EN 998-2, and CS IV, according to the product standard UNI EN 998-1. Density approx. 1850 kg/m³, CE marked in accordance with UNI EN 998-1/2.



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MX-15 Intonaco malta strutturale fibrata premix intonaco armato rinforzo strutturale Ruregold

MX-15 Plaster


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