New guide for structural strengthening of masonry and Ruregold CRM Reinforced Plaster

Discover the technical characteristics of complete, certified systems for the repairing and strengthening masonry, the products, the fields of application, the advantages, the reference standards and the System acceptance guidelines.

CRM intonaco armato Ruregold Monografia rinforzo strutturale muratura

The Ruregold CRM System has been issued with ETA 22/0078.

It has also been the subject of extensive experimental trials at the Materials and Structures Testing Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAr) of the University of Pavia, conducted on natural stone masonry samples strengthened using different combinations of mortars, meshes and connectors from the product rang, with the aim of evaluating the positive effect of the various CRM strengthening systems applied to the unstrengthened original masonry, in terms of resistance and failure modes.

The experimental tests, conducted on a wide variety of samples, improved the understanding of the beneficial effects of the various components of the CRM system, while the test report issued by the University of Pavia provides a clearer picture of the advantages of the CRM System.

The monograph includes a detailed description of the experimental tests conducted by the University of Pavia.

Reinforced plaster – CRM System

The System consists of meshesmortars and connection elements and is characterised by:
• Widespread application over the entire masonry structure, both on the external and internal wall faces;
• The presence of transversal connections.
It is particularly suitable in the case of:
• Buildings consisting of irregular, non-homogeneous or discontinuous walls;
• It is essential tin situations where it is necessary to increase the resistant section and stiffness of load-bearing walls (piers).

Intonaco armato Sistema CRM di Ruregold

Repairing existing masonry

The system is realised by injecting the special binder MX INJECT for grouts into the masonry structures, filling the cavities and cracks so as to restore the initial, monolithic character of the masonry.
Joints may be unstitched-restitched and repointed using various types of mortar: based on a high-pozzolanicity hydraulic binder with high-modulus polyvinylalcohol fibres MX-PVA Fibre-Reinforced, based on a high-pozzolanicity hydraulic binder with high-performance polypropylene fibres MX-RW High Performance, based on lime MX-CP Lime and based on cement MX-15 Plaster.

Ripristino della muratura esistente con iniezioni di malta MX-INJECT di Ruregold

Fibre-reinforced plaster

The system is based exclusively on the use of MX-PVA Fibre-reinforcedhigh performancepolyvinylalcohol fibre-reinforced mortar, for the structural repair of masonry in the absence of distributed reinforcement.

Intonaco fibrorinforzato con malta MX-PVA Fibrorinforzata


FIBREGLASS MESH                                                           


G-MESH 400 per intonaco armato CRM Ruregold

G-MESH 400

Grammage 400 g/m2

80 x 120 mm mesh


MX-RW Alte Prestazioni per Intonaco Armato Sistema CRM di Ruregold

MX-RW High Performance

Compressive strength ≥ 49.5 MPa

G-MESH 490 per intonaco armato CRM Ruregold

G-MESH 490

Grammage 490 g/m2

80 x 80 mm mesh

MX-CP Calce per Intonaco Armato Sistema CRM di Ruregold

MX-CP Lime

NHL 3.5 lime base
Compressive strength ≥ 15 MPa

ETA Certificazione CRM Ruregold


European Technical Assessment EAD 340392 – 00- 0104 “CRM (Composite Reinforced Mortar) Systems for strengthening of concrete and masonry structures”.

MX-15 Intonaco per Intonaco Armato Sistema CRM di Ruregold

MX-15 Plaster

Compressive strength ≥ 15 MPa

The Ruregold CRM System is completed by the connection system, consisting of HELICAL CONNECTORS
helical bars in stainless steel, or preformed A.R. fibreglass elements, the G-MESH GUSSETS for distributing stress concentrations at the connections, and the G-MESH ANGLE preformed angular element.



The G-MESH 400/490 system represents the transition from the traditional reinforced plaster technique to the CRM system, based on the use of preformed meshes in alkali-resistant composite material.


During the extensive experimental trials conducted at the University of Pavia, Ruregold strengthening systems achieved excellent results, even exceeding the indications set out the Regulations.


G-MESH 400/490 meshes demonstrate excellent behaviour in alkaline environments.


Excellent compatibility with masonry walls., also ideal for historic and monumental buildings.


G-MESH 400/490 meshes, which are supplied in 40 m2 rolls, are highly manageable. Installation is quick and simple.


The Ruregold CRM System is fully compliant with the Guidelines introduced in November 2018 (European Guidelines) and May 2019 (Italian Guidelines).

The Ruregold CRM System has been issued with ETA 22/0078.

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